So my husband has now been gone a little over 6 months to Afghanistan.... He was just recently here for 2 weeks on R&R and we had the time of our lives! From our 1100 mile road trip to Oregon to playing video games and watching TV... it was all smiles =] as it should be! I truly can NOT wait for him to be back!
On a different note, in September i was diagnosed with something called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome... also know as PCOS... definitely not something every woman wants hear right? So there is a lot to it but the short story is my hormones are all over the place, cysts on my ovaries like crazy... which causes the most dreaded word a woman can hear "infertility" With that being said... we never used birth control or anything so me not falling pregnant... i knew SOMETHING had to be wrong... oh boy was i right! I went through OBGYN's like you wouldn't believe until i met the best doctor in the world... someone who could give me an answer, that has changed my life, forever. Will i be able to have children? YES! will it be easy? definitely not! so while my husband was here for 2 weeks, i took clomid, definitely ovulated and we are praying to find out in about 10 days if we have a miracle on the way or not. I have finally come to terms with the fact that this will not be easy in any way shape or form. If it happens, i will be more then happy and if not... then i wont give up and when hes back we will continue to try different fertility treatments to get us our miracle!
A week before my husband came, i was in the hospital over night due to a very large cyst on my ovary... the emergency room doctor wanted to possibly remove my ovary... i said nooo way! not till my actual doctor has a look at it, by the time my doctor could get me in it was much larger, i decided to take matters into my own hands and take the fertility meds anyways. =] you never know until you try right? This battle with PCOS in the last 6 months has been a total nightmare. Neither of us expected something this bad, but we keep our faith strong and cross our fingers that some day we will have our own children.
So anyways... thats my vent for now =] fingers crossed i will have good news in about 10 days && i will definitely write about it <3